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How It Really Works
OK y'all, time to put on those thinking caps. Get all preconceived NOTIONS about GOD, RELIGION, MYSTICISM & anything else that may be described as BELIEF outta ya mind just for a moment or stop readin this NOW! Let's just deal with LIFE as we know it on this earth, that for now we know as home. Let's even not use the word CONSPIRACY in this article as all it means is a premise that cannot be proven. Let's just call it POSSIBLE SCENARIOS. Y'all with me? Ok then, here we go. Take any situation in life such as the Vietnam War, the Moon Landing, the assasinations of anybody famous, 911, the Tsunami, Chernobyl, Katrina & the Grandaddy of em all, the Gulf Oil Spill. Is it any coincidence that 2 of the worst disasters ever, were in the Louisiana Gulf Area, within 5 years of each other? I don't think so! Malcolm always said that the most important question was WHY? Though that man died over 40 years ago, this premise still holds true. A few articles ago, I spoke to y'all about the Hegelian Dialectic which states that a person or entity can provide a thesis(problem), anthesis(possible cure) & synthesis(an already predetermined solution). As the situation unfolds, as in any equation, that same individual or entity in control, can add or subtract to solve or further confuse the targetted audience, until the intended imperative is met. Let's get into some specifics to see what we mean here. Y'all ready?
We are now in a different world since George W Bush II was (p)resident. He stole both elections & people who still believe in voting kill me. Well, unless you are runnin a candidate to LEVERAGE for POSITION & to bring up the ISSUES WE as a people face. Did y'all know that Alton Maddox & Charles Barron is makin a 3rd POLITICAL PARTY in NY? Y'all need to check on that! But anyhoo, Bush won the 2000 & 2004 elections by stealin 'em as that family had FL locked up, with Jeb Bush as the governor at the time. Anybody who knows anything already knows that the politicians in the US are SELECTED & not ELECTED as the NWO cannot leave anything to chance. If you do manage to slip thru the cracks, they discredit you, jail you or kill you. So what happened to relate this to what I speak of is, Votes in question + Gore conceding without a fight + a Supreme Court Mandate = The fucking stupidest Commander in Chief ever! One can toss in thousands of other factors but I hope my point is clear. We can take 911 & now see that Bin-Laden was made a scapegoat & is dragged out every so often to DISTRACT you from the fact that THEY(USA) did it. That equation might go like, the Taliban + Stoppage of Poppy Growth + the Breakdown of a pipeline thru Afghanistan + the USA hating Saadam who traded oil in Euro's = 911 or an AmeriKKKan Emergency Number. Ok, how about the BP Oil Spill? Like Michael Jackson's death, a distraction of epic proportions is goin on. Peep this one out. An ailing economy + the continuation of Bush policies by the Obama Administration + the internet(alternative info) + 12/21/2012 = BP Oil Spill! Why, because the Rothschild's & the Rockerfeller's are infighting at the top & in order for them to have control, somebody gotta come out as the BIG DOG. You see, the Rockerfeller's own 51% in over 40,000 CORPORATIONS & the Rothschilds control all of the world's Central Banks. At the end of the day, they are all one & the same but y'all still wanna be on Obama's DICK because he a blak(half white still) guy & y'all just so in luv with him because he's so articulate & handsome. Like all the rest of us & I'm including rich whites who ain't in this club either, THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK about HIM & y'all need to stop with all this adulation using this formula that I'm tellin y'all about. They knew he would be there long ago as STRATEGY! THEY ARE PURPOSELY DESTROYING ALL THAT IS FAMILIAR & AMERIKKKAN! This Oil Spill is only the LATEST BIG THING & look for more of 'em like a 9.2 earthquake in NYC or something to that effect in the near future. I already told y'all that weather manipulation is at an all time high & it ain't perfect but while you sleep, they got THINK TANKS that go hard body, 26 hours, 9 days a week. This is how it really works!
I said it earlier & I'm gonna say it again, we have all been played & because of how formidable the MEDIA is, we've been had, shooken & BAMBOOZLED. I constantly tell people with degrees that they are worse off & congratulate my people who are not educated by supposed higher learnings of institutions. In order to re-learn, one must first UN-LEARN! The only exception to that is if it's in the technical realm as math is the ONLY IRREFUTABLE SCIENCE! A true scientist is a mathematician & doesn't want to hear about religious dogmas, esoteric philosophies & psychological psychobabble. I want to hear DATA, gather my own EXPERIENCES & come out with a CONCLUSION or more simply said, DATA + EXPERIENCES= CONCLUSIONS & I am allowed to do just that as I have a great mind & can interpret what I see without a book or deity to tell me what is right from wrong. The only way to come out with FLAWED DATA is if flawed data went into the equation to begin with & don't we know how THEY lie! The foundation of HISTORY in this country is a BIG LIE as in Christopher Columbus finding land with million on it & we all know that if ANY part of something(language, history etc) is a lie, then the whole thing is a BIG LIE. My experiences may not match with yours & so how are we supposed to come up with the same output? Turn of cnn & bbc! Turn off the radio! Sometimes, get in your car & ride quietly & you would be surprised what would come to you when your distractions are minimal. Read publications that are written from your perspectives with a discerning eye too. You, my people have been given the greatest gift from the CREATOR ever, as you are what the CREATOR spoke into existence & if you don't believe that, you should stop readin my blog bcuz I'm gonna keep on sayin it! Most of us have twisted & contorted our minds to a point where we let OTHERS PUT their thoughts into US & we think that those thoughts are our own. You go to sleep early to get rest to work for somebody else. What time would you sleep if you could wake up when you wanted to? Ok, I think that I've said enough but what I hope you got was, when that NEXT BIG THING happens, I BEG that you look at the other factors leading up to that event & apply this formula to it & see what you get, without PREDUJICE. Those thoughts might scare you but........that's how it really works! PEACE!!!!!!!!
Giveaway From Vegas

Another friend of mine, Mommy Dhemz of Shopping Lists & Product Reviews is giving away freebies during their trip at Vegas! I just cannot let this pass without my full support and shout about her giveaway contest here at Kizuna!!
The criteria is very easy. Here's all you need to do:
1. Subscribe to her blog
2. Follow her blog
3. Add her blog/X-links
4. Blog about the contest
Prizes + a surprise gift:
(1) Las Vegas T-shirt (size: L)
(1) Las Vegas Hat
(3) Las Vegas Key Holder
(2) Las Vegas Pen
(1) Las Vegas Nail Buffer
$300 Worth Brand New COACH Satchel Bag Contest
Beauty Tips and Tricks : Get Smart Blog : Practical Beauty Tips : Spices of Life : Review My Opinions : New Haircuts and Hairstyles : Fabulously Frugal : Weight Loss the Healthy Way
I'm supporting a dear friend Mommy Umma's BIGGIE contest in celebration of her 6th Wedding Anniversary next month. AND THE MAIN: $300 worth brand new Coach SATCHEL BAG!Ain't that fabulous as a prize for F-R-E-E?!! If I can't be the lucky winner, it might be YOU and all you have to do is join and spread the good news and try your luck. Easy peasy right? Now, are you ready of winning this $300 worth brand new Coach Satchel Bag?? Visit Mom Conversation for more details. I bet you don't want to miss this---yes, me too! Good luck to us! ^_^
Holding On
For your information, you may already be there. As I sit here in the library with Turned Up & Bro Graham, we choppin it up about everything I write y'all about on FB & if U don't have a FB account, GET 1. If ya reasoning for not having an FB account is the FBI/CIA/NSA is tappin it & you already on Yahoo/AOL/earthlink, don't U think they already know what U doing? Anyhoo, as I said before, YOU may be already there. How, well let me tell you how. If you get sudden headaches that come from nowhere & then feel great soonafter, you may already be there. If you spontaneously cry & don't know why, you may already be there. Dreaming or thinking of things & a few minutes later, it comes up with people who don't know U or didn't know wat U were thinking of is a sign of this too. Straight up not giving a fax (apathy) & intense caring is definitley a telltale sign. How about waking up every morning at 3A without having to pee? Having visions of an uncertain future & breaking out in a smile is a great sign that you may already be there. Having a great conversation with a total & complete stranger without the need of getting into further contact is a sign that you may already be there. Cryin without a reason may mean you are there too.
Where is this? That place we wish to all get to that we just can't seem to get to now because of Obama POSSIBLY trying to shut down the internet in the face of a National Security Alert. The Oil Spill. These Earthquakes happening in places that haven't had 'em in EONS like Canada & the Chicago area. The Prime Minister of Japan RESIGNING as the Koreas are about to go to war AGAIN. You see, all of the military bases in Japan belong to the US & the new Govt wanted the US out. They had to bomb a South Korean ship to justify staying there as Korea is not very far from Japan. You see, all of these distractions are placed there to keep us in FEAR! Fear is the frequency that runs this earth & all of the distractions placed in front of us keep us away from thinking wat U supposed to be thinkin so that U could get wat U supposed to get. The place I wish to be that I hope U want to get to is beyond that frequency of FEAR or whatever U call it. As I've heard previously, FEAR CANNOT LIVE WHEREVER GOD IS & I'm GOD disguised as a Blak Man & if U don't like that, reverse it! Get past your fears & live bcuz our time is coming. Get past all of that & U can't do it being FEARFUL. Can U hold on until then? If U can, I'll invite U to that COSMIC PARTY that I keep speakin of. I've transcended EARTH so meet me in galacti-CITY. Over here, we wear gold,diamonds & platinum & ain't nobody scared bcuz there's no fear. Tupac & Nas might call it Thug Mansion. Hold on tho bcuz before it gets better, it's gonna get much worse. Do good, God(me) bless U & see you THERE where you may already be. As stated before, some of us is already there so do like EnVogue & HOLD ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PEACE!!!!!!!
Food Trip Friday-- Heavenly Cakes
An entry for Food Trip Friday. Chibugan na!!\(^0^)/
Couple's Corner
My Father-In-Law don't like me as a wife of his son coz I'm a Filipina and he has no choice but to accept me lol! We live in one roof with them ( after a year of getting married ) and just like marriage, it requires a lot of work and patience. I had a good relationship with my Father-In-Law ( even though he was against me at first ) and although he has some quirks that I don't like, he treats me well and I know how to handle him as days went on. Well I guess, communication is the key. OK, I won't lie... communication didn't work at first coz he speaks very native Japanese language lol! As in wala sa bukid! Nasa bukid na nga kami di ko pa cya maintindihan lol! My Mother-In-Law and I have a wonderful relationship-- she's my beer-friend!^_^I can tell her and be frank with her about everything most especially whenever my husband and I had some arguements and differences while holding some beer together with my two sisters-in-law lol! And I guess that's the reason why my BIL is still single coz he's hearing a lot of stories from us 'bout our husbands--he says 女ってくわいい!!( I'm afraid of you women! )LOL!
Living with them all in one roof means a lot of adjustments and differencies and there are times that all we had a very difficult moment and have stepped into each others toes, had a very tearful, a heart-to-heart conversation and accepted each others fault and be sorry. And all we came to understand each other better.
I love them and they love me. It's the Kizuna ( ties and bonds of love ) that strengthens our family ^_^
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme
Girl's Talk--What's Inside My Bag
What's inside your precious bag? Share 'em at Niko ganda's fun meme only here at
Nostalgia---A Surprise Visit
Isn't it so much fun to go back and just yank them all out and just sit there and reminisce? ^_^
*Nostalgia is a weekly Thursday meme hosted by Ate Rose--please play with us by clicking the linky badge.*
Something New About Me
School Cross Walk Guard---I man twice a month in the morning when children are going to school. I go out with a yellow flag and spend about 30 to 40 minutes at the cross walk until 15 to 30 children leave the neighborhood. I have to tag along Haruka with me early in the morning, usually around 7:15 A.M. coz I don't want her to be left alone in the house. Wakaba and some of the kids in the neighborhood goes together to school here in our community and we, parents ( usually Moms ) must do the task ( given by the school ) twice a month. I don't know for some of the schools here in Japan but that's what they're doing here at our community.
---Haruka doing her part---
---We greet the kids as they pass at the cross walk. ' Ohayo Gozaimasu! '( Good morning! )---
--- On-going project---
Bazaar Project--- I'm starting (again) a bazaar project at Haruka's school together with some other Moms and this time we're making some cutie handicrafts to be sold at the bazaar early November this year. I'm not good at these needles and threads thingy but I'm trying to do my best on how this stuffs work. However, I'm enjoying for sometimes and that Moms at school is very patient of teaching me. It's just that my needle, thread and me ain't doing well together lol! ---Pamphlets/ Brochures---
Camera Hunting--- Camera hunting is driving me nuts!! I dunno what camera to choose for a beginner like me. The truth is I'm very much satisfied with my Canon IXY 930 IS digital camera( x-mas gift from hubby last year ) because of the compact size and it just fit our needs--not until when my daughter Wakaba's Sports Day at Primary School came and I realized that I need more ' room of the zoom ' but still undecided of what kind of camera that really suits us. The main: Money, I'm only after for cameras not exceeding to 100,000 japanese yen ( well, more or less ), it must have the 10 times zoom, not too much heavy and can record videos. Anybody helppp!!\(^0^)/
Mommy Moments-- Daddy Moments
Have I mentioned how great Wakaba and Haruka's Daddy is?? My husband spent more time running around with them even after his work and although their Daddy is crazy over his work but when he comes home, he's still the same Daddy that they love to play with, having loads of fun, being in action with them and in every lil thing that they do, they'll receive a big H-U-G from him!
I love to take photos to remind me of moments that I really wanted to remember---Daddy Moments..
---I had so much fun seeing my kids bond with their Dad---
New Graphics
Share your Mommy Moments and stories-- join us here
We' d love to hear from you! ^_^
Suzuki APV Car Top Engine Series
At November 2007, Suzuki released the improved APV named APV Arena (APV Type II in some countries). It offers more luxurious features with the Luxury/SGX type as the flagships (captain seat version). Not just doing some facelift in exterior but also the interior is changed as well an improvement in engine performance. The APVs are exported to countries like Australia, Algeria, Aruba, Chile, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Pakistan, Thailand and the Philippines.
Suzuki APV in use at an airport.
Manufacturer PT. Indomobil Suzuki Intl.
Production 2004–present
Predecessor Suzuki Carry, Suzuki Every
Class Compact MPV
Body style(s) Semi-bonneted Minivan
Platform Ladder Frame
Engine(s) G15A (1493 cc), G16A (1,590 cc) 16 valve MPi Inline 4, 92 bhp (69 kW) and 127 N·m
Transmission(s) 5-speed manual and 4-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,625 mm (103.3 in)
Length 4,155 mm (163.6 in)
Width 1,655 mm (65.2 in)
Height 1,840 mm (72.4 in)
Curb weight 1,270 kg (2,800 lb)
Fuel capacity 43 L (9.5 imp gal; 11.4 US gal)
Related Mitsubishi Maven