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Garifuna's: my Peepo!!!!!
My Peepo. Very stubborn! The Garifuna are proud peepo from AFRIKA, primarily from Mali. Who are WE? Well there are plenty of sources to quote from & I'll try to be as clear as possible in this writin. In his groundbreakin book, They came before Columbus, Dr Ivan Van Sertima wrote that migrations from Afrika to the supposed new world started at about 1200 BC & 800 BC. In this book, he says that they landed in what is now known as Mexico & all through Northern South America. The Caribean Islands are also in this equation. Make no mistake that when Columbus came to the Amerikas, there were AFRIKANS here already as attested to by his historian, Bartolomo de Las Casas. If you won't take that into account, then what about the Mande migration that occurred in 1310? Note that BLAK Africans were also found on what is now known as Haiti/San San Domingo & there it is;* a foundation to say like in what is now known as the USA, we were already here. Y'all gotta remember that Columbus never set foot on what is now known as the USA. Let's go!
*reference source(
So as we now see, Afrikans were already here but....the Garinigu(plural in the language) mixed it up to make one peepo. Some like my grandmother on my fathers side were blue-black & some like my grandfather were yellow. We come from the Yellow Caribs, West Afrikans(again PRIMARILY but not EXCLUSIVE to Mali) & the Arawaks who were scattered all over the Caribean by the arrival of ya favorite peepo. As such, we are Maroons which basically means that WE would not & could NOT be enslaved. The Garifuna language is an Arawak language with plenty of outside influence as Belizeans speak it with English & Hondurans speak it with Spanish, makin it all one big mashup. As we should all know by now, by the time of the ship wrecks, the krakker sorta had it figured out & used to sail with differing Afrikan Peepos so as to prevent easy communications between like peepo. We still was tearin shit up & that's why the Garifuna were never enslaved. Those who were already on this side recognized our peepo & wasn't havin us comin here while they watched & went on openin cans of whoop ass as these ships arrived. Needless to say, we all mixed up & Afrikan Seafarin existed before the krakka existed! As the tropical climes mimiced our homeland, we found it easy to eat the same TYPES of food & though things were different, it was almost like home. We could run into the hinterlands & adjust. You see, we had to become one peepo, rebellious, stubborn & not givin a FUKKK! We still like that til this day & it's killin us as we eatin fukkked up food & all but I ain't worried. We press on!
I gotta big up my great grandfather Lazaro who was an Afrikan Man. Though my father knew him, he never told me that my great was really a great man. My great was a man who had plenty of land & therefor had plenty of women with plenty of children in the tradition of the Afrikan spirit. Who the hell is gonna work the land if not them? This FALSE REALITY we in got us thinkin that jobs are supposed to be promised. Anyhoo, in Travesia, a primarily Afrikan Village just outside of Hondurases main port city, Puerto Cortes(Rich Port), there's a section named after my great named San Lazaro or Saint Lazarus. This is where my grandfather is from & his wife & my grandmother was from Belize. As I stated earlier, Belizeans speak English & Garifuna & Hondurans speak Spanish & Garifuna. Though my grandmother never learned Spanish, she lived in Honduras most of her life yo! Some of the Indegenous of Honduras know the Garifuna language & luv to do our dance, Punta. If ya had met my grandma when she was still alive, ya would have thought she was Jamaikan. My grandfather on my mom's side had 2 families too. This is the Afrikan Way & y'all better get used to it bcuz responsible men are hard to come by. Just wait til this DEMONIKK SYSTEM of money plays out. There was no tv, very few radios & so FUCKIN was really fun instead of typin out all of this shit like I'm doin here now late at nite. Get over it bcuz you probably thinkin on fuckin right now. I see you lol'ing.
The name of this site is blak2afrika. Just like in Afrika, the Garifuna are in trouble. Y'all know that the krakkas get all the blame. Over there, they think AIDS exists & when I went for a year, them NIGGAS thought I was crazy for sayin that shit over & OVER! I tried to tell the peepo there to stop takin the medicines & eat better but they wouldn't listen. Honduras is also the stoppin point to Columbians comin up & if they get caught tryin to cross Mexico, they send 'em back to Honduras as it's half way to the US. Y'all already know.....the Columbians got that COCAINA for cheap & them NIGGAS in Honduras couldn't get enuff & now you gotta alotta ZOMBIES out that bitch! So JUST like krakk hit the hood coupled with AIDS in the US in the 80's, this also affected the place of my parents birth with devestation, destruction & death! I know bcuz I lived there for a year IN 2000(thought that Y2K was gonna smash civilization)& saw alotta this shit with my own eyes. Alotta my PEEPO died when I was there. Damn & SMH!!
So now y'all know a lil more about me & glad that I could accomodate y'all with info. My peeps here in the US try to call me by my birth name but I ain't havin it ANYMORE so when you see me & you try it, I'mma give you that look like you crazy. My name is the Blak Smith aka Rotgut Swampwater, the coolest dude you ever met from the BRONX NY, birthplace of Hip Hop & of 100% Garifuna Stock. Lite me up & smoke me but before I finish, I'mma say it again. I'm a Maroon like Russel Shoats & I ain't playin games with none of y'all NIGGAS anymore & I don't give a FUKKK if ya don't wanna read what I'm writin right here right now. I dare you not finish readin. Ok, now that ya still readin, this goes out to supposed friends, foes & family; if ya don't respect me, that means you don't like me & stay the FUKKK from around me. Times are real sirius & shit gonna change in ways you can't imagine. Years ago, these motherfukkkin krakkas was killin the coconut trees in Honduras & replacin 'em with inferior ones & ain't nobody do SHIT! How you gonna let these REPTILIANS come on your land & kill an easy way for a few peepo to make a lil money? That coconut water is MEDECINE & they wanted access to the seaside so that they could put up resort hotels & have the natives workin for peanuts like in other nearby places!! At least they not sellin the land but.....that's my peepo for ya. Y'all need to know for any peepo or anybody, ya strength is ya weakness. We stubborn & I'm stubborn! I'm an AFRIKAN with GARIFUNA blood born in New motherfukkkin YORK! Garifuna's is my PEEPO! I am GARIFUNA & proud of it!! If I ain't never said it before, TAKE THAT MOTHERFUKKKER!!! Holla BLAK!!!
The dream becomes a reality...
The wallpaper was installed! The wallpaper was installed!
The colors in person are out of this world and it looks amazing up!
What a great day for me. It really is a dream come true.
This and THE GIANTS doing so well in the WORLD SERIES- it's a great week here in San Francisco!
Back to work for me. More soon and so many final touches to attend to.
I look forward to sharing more very soon...
Food Trip Friday--Bento For My FIL
Veggie Stirfry, Rolled PorkTeriyaki, Tamago Yaki, Pickles, Rice sprinkled with Furikake ( rice seasoning )
An entry for Food Trip Friday. Chibugan na!!\(^0^)/
Mommy Moments--Before After
Before: A one year old Haruka chan, year 2007
Now: A kindergartner using her big sissy's school uniform! She have grown big, too!
Before: Clarence Claire's First Communion at school
Now a pretty teen-ager
The Tres Marias, Philippine Vacation year 2007
The Tres Marias and yours trully, Philippine Vacation year 2010
Wakaba and Haruka
They are both enjoying socializing with other children of the same age. They're both friendly^_^
Wakaba's Shichi Go San, year 2006
Haruka's Shichi Go San, year 2009
" You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you as you are to them." ~Desmond Tutu~
More cutie kids before and after here atJoin us! We' d love to hear from you! ^_^
Nostalgia---Wakaba's First Letter
Wakaba totally melted my heart! She's such a sweetheart!^_^
Isn't it so much fun to go back and just yank them all out and just sit there and reminisce? ^_^
*Nostalgia is a weekly Thursday meme hosted by Ate Rose--please play with us by clicking the linky badge.*
Couple's Corner--I Will Do It Tomorrow
My husband however is a perfectionist and is always sticking to his plan and all. Yochan always asked me " Why put off till tomorrow what you can do for today?" Me: " tinamad ako eh" Him: "Palagi ka namang ganyan eh. Kaya ka nga tumataba! blah, blah, blah....( while brushing the bathroom's wall lol )
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme
Play Pokies Online
There are many games to choose from for your entertainment and convenience. As for me, I would love to try the 3 reel free pokies and enjoy a game experience one of these days and of course, it would be a great challenge for me as well and oh, there's no need for a registration. I'm gonna try my luck then and so good luck to me ^_^
How about you? Wanna play online pokies and try your luck? Who knows, you might win a jackpot.
The GAP Generation
Last weekend was a shopping day for my kids autumn gears at Fashion Cruise, New Port Hitachinaka .Well, it's a fashion mall here in Japan that has The GAP Generation Store ( newest member of the GAP family) nearest us--2 and a half hours from our place. We purchased 4 articles of clothing for them and 2 hoodies for me and my husband. I guess my kids must have sprouted like vines! I was hoping that most of the clothes that I bought my kids last year a bit bigger would fit them this year. I've been picking up clothes here and there from malls most especially on good bargains and on clearance sale.
After meetin with a friend the other day out here in Atlanta, on the way to the train station, I saw 2 beautiful young ladies walkin up ahead. As they were walkin & talkin, another young man approached from the side & complimented them. They said thank you & proceeded talkin & walkin slowly. As he neared me & bcuz WE had both been eyin the ladies, I thanked him well for bein respectful & it was more than obvious that he was African. We introduced & the conversation was about.....AFRICA. He was from Botswana & his name was Robert. I had asked the brother if he had heard about what I wrote about above in regards to the Zambian-Chinese shootin. He said no & then noted that he noticed that Afrikan Amerikans always tend to have our gripes with krakkers, slavery & how THEY don't faze him, so & on & so on. He was also alrite with the fact that in his country, THEY dig out the land, removin HIS RESOURCES & makin him THINK that he needs to be here around them to be rich though he didn't say that last part. After he more than made his point, I asked him if somone came into his house, violently killed his elders, raped his wife, sold his children to who knows where, raped HIM & HIS WIFE & made them work forever for free in their home, how would he feel. In his exact terms, he said that he would be a LIL UPSET & before he could mouth off more excuses, I promptly shut him down & told him that, "he needs to OVERSTAND that he shouldn't UNDERSTAND it & not to speak to Afrikan Amerikans in that manner as this wasn't a one week occurence in our history. I explained that we went through this for over 400 years EVERYDAY of our existence & that we have a right to be MORE THAN A LIL UPSET & we STILL GOIN THRU IT. I also explained that in order for him to just be looked upon as a man, some of us had to die for him to be as free as he is NOW. As I wasn't goin very far, I wished him a great day & this is where the story begins.
Before I go in, a big shout goes to Ajoke Soblak Bunmi Alfred. She be keepin it tight with me & she gets mad luv here from all of us at this site. We goin in now: Avid readers of this site know how much I luv US! I luv AFRIKA & AFRIKANS wherever WE are & don't think I just named this site bcuz of my year there in Ghana. As I grow, I seem to notice more & more that alotta Afrikans from the continent GRUDGINLY say that we as Afrikan Amerikans have a stake in Afrika. Too many say, if we wanna come that we HAVE to develop. Now before y'all REAL AFRIKANS start writin in sayin I said ALL, note I said ALOT! To those guilty of all this, I have this to say to you; when ya say those kinda things without a hint of any sympathy, you make me & I'm sure alotta us uneasy & when I say US, I'm talkin about those of us who want to go to what we consider our ANCESTRAL home. Most of us who do wish to go home are not ya typical Amerikans who we are disgusted by as well. You make us feel as if ya own family were slave catchers buyin & sellin people. Brother Sengor, the President General of the UNIA tells us that we never gave away our citizenship there & now we gotta jump through all types of hula hoops to get BLAK? Too many Afrikans have this blazay attitude about what WE ALL went thru as we were IMPRISONED & y'all were colonized. The BIG DIFFERENCE in all of this is that we were cut off from all things Afrikan & while colonization was brutal, as you weren't seperated from the LAND, you kept the culture somewhat intact, however bastardized it got. We were ALL forced into new foreign customs with religion bein the one that killed us as whole AFRIKAN BEINGS & y'all wanna hold on to it. FUCK X-MAS!!!! We don't speak the languages or have the customs but most of y'all wanna come here where I'm at & I can't stand it here. What to do?
Now, to ALL of my fellow Afrikan Amerikans, to you I have this to say. Stop makin the statement as if it's FACT that ALL Afrikans sold us into slavery. Again, as this is a very controversial topic, y'all must OVERSTAND that though some did, it's not the whole truth & therefore must be qualified. There are over 3000 different types of Afrikans & to forget that some fought AGAINST this tragedy is to be derelict in ya duties. This in my opinion is why it is so important to know history as my livin in Ghana all of that time taught me that though Ghana was the hub of the trans Atlantic Trade, the Aqua Pim fought valiant wars against sendin people outta the country. They even gave up land known as Fihankra just outside of Accra to REPENT for that sordid past. Queen Nzinga of Angola DIED fightin the Portugese & before WE start spoutin off our mouth about somethin we just heard & never researched, know these 2 names & know that there are many others who felt or did same.
Now, I'm speakin to all of us: Who the hell are you? I ask myself this question all of the time. In answerin that question, the answer of who are we shows up. When you surround yaself with cut throats, if ya ain't one, what would ya do when throats start loppin off? If you are, no need to ask that question. My point is, when you can answer that question loudly & proudly, we can get somewhere but hopefully, ya tellin the truth when ya answer. Us bein crazy ain't our fault but it will be after ya read this. MOST OF US IS LOOKIN AT EACH OTHER THRU THE EYES OF EUROPEANS & THAT WILL NEVER EVER WORK as he looks at us as all the same from HIS own perspective. The shootin of Amadou Diallo shoulda proved that to alla us by now but y'all know.....we get mad for 10 minutes & it's back to partyin. Though the movie 2012 came out sometime ago, I just saw it & in the end, the only place left to go was in Afrika where SHAKA ZULU is from. Should we assume that this mixed cast of peeps wanna come in & share in the wealth? WTF YO? THEY TELLIN US WHAT THEY DOIN & THEY GONNA MOVE IN & LET THE CHINESE DO ALL THE CLEARIN FIRST. To y'all Afrikans who think that Afrikan Amerikans are lazy or complain about the krakker too much, do y'all want FOREIGNERS runnin ya countries? If an Afrikan Amerikan & a continental Afrikan have children, those children would be indistiguishible from any Afrikan child. We ALL need to stop playin as only those who are ready are gonna lead US into the future as the future is NOW. I write this bcuz I ain't gonna give up on any of US. I ain't thinkin all of us is gonna change but we gotta get 3% more from the 85% & 1% of the 10% makin us the 9%'ers as 9 is the number of completion. You need not do anything new other than LUV & RESPECT ya people. WE ARE ALL AFRIKANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (except those krakkers I see peekin in) I LUV AFRIKANS & HOLLA BLAK!!! 788 DAYZ 2 GO!!!!!!!!!
More progress
Had these custom headboards designed and made. So excited to have them moved in next week.
I was honestly having some trouble finding the RIGHT zebra fabric. I pulled sample after sample and nothing seemed right to me.
I ended up at TARGET one afternoon and found sheet sets with this great zebra print in cotton. So I snapped up two sets of king sized sheets and used the fabric from the sheets to make the headboards (I am also having the custom bed skirts made out of the sheets as well).
It's interesting: sometimes you can find what you are looking for in a different form, but you have to customize it to make it work for you. (After all, this is a teenage girls bedroom- so no need to go out and spend hundreds per yard on fabric!)
Here are a couple of shots of my window treatments ready to be installed. I really love the matelassé fabric (from Serena and Lily) and its subtle detail with the double tape trim detail (black grosgrain ribbon).
I think that the tailored valance will really frame the windows. Thank you to my wonderful drapery workroom who makes all of my pillows, roman shades, and curtains for all of my projects.
Pink Pink Pink! WOW! Here are some shots of the baseboard being painted pink (I opted for no crown molding for the space to keep slightly modern and not too fussy) and the ceiling in a very pale shade of pink.
You might be scratching your head and thinking that PINK is really not something that you associate with me. I am loving the challenge and having so much fun with this space- as you might be able to tell!
It's really exciting to see all of the pieces of the puzzle coming together.
One week left until it has to be complete! I am going back to my lists so that I don't forget anything.
Food Trip Friday--GODIVA
~GODIVA Chocolatier Gems~
Milk Chocolate Fins, Dark Caramels, Dark Chocolate Fins, Milk Caramels
~GODIVA Chocolatier Pearls~
Dark Chocolate, Dark Chocolate with Mint
An entry for Food Trip Friday. Chibugan na!!\(^0^)/