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The Weather Report
Hmmm, about 30 degrees in NYC rite now, quite sunny witta slight breeze & da outlook 2nite.....Nah hold up Blaksmith, dat aint da type of weather we talkin about here. Wat I'm talkin about is da weather we soon will all get used 2. U know like Tsunami's, earthquakes & hurricanes. I've written on these things previously & y'all need 2 STUDY geo-politics. Geo = wats in da ground & ology= study of. We all know wat politriKKKs is or do we? Anyhoo, oil has been found in nearby hated Cuba & da more important Haiti. Why is Haiti important 4 geo-politiKKKAl strategies? Because Haitians were da 1st Republic who fought & won, done by former enslaved Afrikans. They put fear in da AmeriKKKas & started da Southern Amerikkan revolutions as well thru inspiration. Cuba has 2 be nervous as well as there is plenty of oil there as da West sputters tryin 2 control it all b4 THEY totally lose they power. They are also a peepo who fought 2 be free & their revolution is still goin strong, next door 2 each other wit all this newfound oil. It's been there & now dat da world's Police has exhausted they welcome amongst da so called mid East bloc, they need 2 go & bully they own backyard, invadin & shit. I already spoke extensively about HAARP, weather modification & all da ways dat THEY can do THEY shit so don't start thumpin no bible about wat God gonna do. These niggas is here on earth doin this shit NOW & it's only a matter of time b4 NYC, Paris, London or anywhere THEY dominate get's it. Wat U think all these doomsday movies is about? They wanna eliminate 80% of da peepo & it ain't about Blak or White. Now deceased comedian, George Carlin used 2 always say dat U aint in this group & these formerly complacent whites are now feelin it like a mofo. Everybody is strugglin & alot of Peepo in da 3rd World who know nothing about da West don't believe when U tell 'em dat da West has a BIG homeless problem. They look at U like U lyin or something & it's a drain 2 tell 'em as I myself have been homeless twice. Ayo in case U don't know, shit is messed up everywhere but alotta peepo don't understand da weather. Da name of da game is man-made disasters or wat used 2 be called, an ACT of God. Yea act of God my ass! Y'all might be pissed wit me but I ain't givin no money 2 no releif fund 4 no one cuz these same niggas is breakin U wit da compassion U have dat they never had or never will, Wyclef included. Wow, alotta peepo gonna comment on dat 1 & I'll gague da response here 2 let y'all know why I say wat I say. Wat da average person gonna do when every1 on 125th St, da South Bronx(my birth hood), North Brooklyn & Northern Jersey shakes 2 da core? Dat fault line sits under 125th St & buildings didn't start usin da proper codes til 1995 to withstand these quakes. A 5.5 would spell eminent disaster 4 millions! So 2 alla my peepo, wats ya contingency plan? NY especially has da privelidge of havin 8 million peepo & about 12 more million surroundin it. Yo Peepo, wat y'all tink about dat? I ain't even factor in it could be durin da winter on a day like 2day, a very cold 1. So as far as this report, don't even watch da tv or look outside ya window if ya wanna know da weather. Stay ya ass tuned in on & check out some HOT SHIT dat da Blaksmith got 2 report on. Well if it rains, it mite be rainin brix, glass & airplanes fuel wit foul weather 2 boot or hardcore wordplay from yours truly. I control da FIRE & mold words like U wish U could, so if U can't stand da heat, get da ..........!!! PEACE or not.
Kizuna on Blog Leave
Girl's Talk--My Firsts
It's been awhile that I haven't posted an entry for Girl's Talk and I don't want her to say something on our meeting and so I must have a post of all My Firsts here-- all in one for this month lol! ^_^
My First Crush and First Date
I was on my highschool days when I met my first crush, Teofilo---he was a senior of me and I was in my junior and I know this might sound stupid but I really asked him out to be my partner during our Junior-Senior Proms Night. So stupid right? It was embarrasing, I was blushing and all that but he agreed to be my date--it was his first to be asked by a girl, he said. And so I asked a bakla friend of mine to do my make up and my hair done and even borrowed a cocktail dress for the special event to look perfect to his eyes! I was flying in ecstacy seeing him on his formal wear and walking towards me for a dance! My dear! It would be very difficult for me to get down to earth from cloud nine ( ang luma ko lol!) when we had our dance during the Prom night! He dropped me at home after the dance party on a pedicab ride and he was gentleman enough to held his hand and I smiled back...but all of a sudden the next thing that I remembered was my knees were bleeding--naipit ang heels ko sa butas ng bulok na pedicab! My first crush on my first date-- I am all red and blushing.... with embarrasment! (T_T)
My First Kiss and My First Boyfriend
My first kiss was my first boyfriend, J--J was introduced to me by a friend during my highschool days and we saw each other almost everyday and time went on we started hanging out as friends then eventually he became my first boyfriend. He picks me up at school every morning and dropped me back at home after school and that is everyday! He's close to my family and I'm close to his family,too. He invited me to go to a disco (OMG!Ang luma lol!)on a Friday night, we danced and enjoyed each other together with some of our friends. The weather wasn't my bestfriend that time, the rain started to fall and decided to drop me back home using his motorcyle and we're all wet. I was ready to go but he held me back and kissed me--it was my first kiss....and was amazing...
We dated for over 2 years and a half and just like any lovers, we had ups and downs. But the thing is he's becoming more and more possessive--he had so many bawal to me. He doesn't like me wearing shorts in public and sleeveles and or any sexy clothes. He's jealoused to any guys that I talked to and finally decided to break the relationship. I needed some space to breathe...A months later, we talked as friends and told me that he'll be going to America and finish his studies there. A year later I heard from a friend that he's getting married and that his fiance' is pregnant. My goodness!! Natatawa ako sa kagagahan ko dati lol!
For more Girl's Talk, head up to Niko ganda's fun meme
My First Crush and First Date
I was on my highschool days when I met my first crush, Teofilo---he was a senior of me and I was in my junior and I know this might sound stupid but I really asked him out to be my partner during our Junior-Senior Proms Night. So stupid right? It was embarrasing, I was blushing and all that but he agreed to be my date--it was his first to be asked by a girl, he said. And so I asked a bakla friend of mine to do my make up and my hair done and even borrowed a cocktail dress for the special event to look perfect to his eyes! I was flying in ecstacy seeing him on his formal wear and walking towards me for a dance! My dear! It would be very difficult for me to get down to earth from cloud nine ( ang luma ko lol!) when we had our dance during the Prom night! He dropped me at home after the dance party on a pedicab ride and he was gentleman enough to held his hand and I smiled back...but all of a sudden the next thing that I remembered was my knees were bleeding--naipit ang heels ko sa butas ng bulok na pedicab! My first crush on my first date-- I am all red and blushing.... with embarrasment! (T_T)
My First Kiss and My First Boyfriend
My first kiss was my first boyfriend, J--J was introduced to me by a friend during my highschool days and we saw each other almost everyday and time went on we started hanging out as friends then eventually he became my first boyfriend. He picks me up at school every morning and dropped me back at home after school and that is everyday! He's close to my family and I'm close to his family,too. He invited me to go to a disco (OMG!Ang luma lol!)on a Friday night, we danced and enjoyed each other together with some of our friends. The weather wasn't my bestfriend that time, the rain started to fall and decided to drop me back home using his motorcyle and we're all wet. I was ready to go but he held me back and kissed me--it was my first kiss....and was amazing...
We dated for over 2 years and a half and just like any lovers, we had ups and downs. But the thing is he's becoming more and more possessive--he had so many bawal to me. He doesn't like me wearing shorts in public and sleeveles and or any sexy clothes. He's jealoused to any guys that I talked to and finally decided to break the relationship. I needed some space to breathe...A months later, we talked as friends and told me that he'll be going to America and finish his studies there. A year later I heard from a friend that he's getting married and that his fiance' is pregnant. My goodness!! Natatawa ako sa kagagahan ko dati lol!
For more Girl's Talk, head up to Niko ganda's fun meme
Couple's Corner--How Well Do We Know Each Other
---I knew my husband so well---
--He loves his coffee black most especially when eating sweets--if his coffee ain't black, it means he's really darn tired at work!
--His favorite scent is Soir of Bvlgari or nothing.
--All the time I thought I'm only a tag-along ( on his car racing practices ), it turns out that he doesn't enjoy it without me watching him at the grandstand.
--He has a lot of colored clothes than me, mine is all black and dark colors.
--He doesn't talk much about his work at home, if he did it means he's stressed.
--He loves his coffee black most especially when eating sweets--if his coffee ain't black, it means he's really darn tired at work!
--His favorite scent is Soir of Bvlgari or nothing.
--All the time I thought I'm only a tag-along ( on his car racing practices ), it turns out that he doesn't enjoy it without me watching him at the grandstand.
--He has a lot of colored clothes than me, mine is all black and dark colors.
--He doesn't talk much about his work at home, if he did it means he's stressed.
--If he's stressed, it's time for car racing practises.
The more time we spend together, the more I find him interesting and we're becoming made for each other!
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme
---He knows so much about me as well---
--If I take out our electric hotplate and prepare yakiniku or yakisoba or okonomiyaki for dinner, or a pancake for breakfast, he knows he's in charge of cooking at home.
--He knows that I will be asking for my allowance next after questioning the date of his salary
--He knows that I'm always available to him sexually lol!
-- He knows that we're not only husband and wife, but bestfriends,too.
--If he makes utot at home, he knows he has to pay for a 500 yen fine.
--If I take out our electric hotplate and prepare yakiniku or yakisoba or okonomiyaki for dinner, or a pancake for breakfast, he knows he's in charge of cooking at home.
--He knows that I will be asking for my allowance next after questioning the date of his salary
--He knows that I'm always available to him sexually lol!
-- He knows that we're not only husband and wife, but bestfriends,too.
--If he makes utot at home, he knows he has to pay for a 500 yen fine.
The more time we spend together, the more I find him interesting and we're becoming made for each other!
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme
Let's Pretend At Kindergarten
We are all Afrikans!
911? Katrina? Haiti? Who, what or where is next? What needs 2 happen 2 Blak peepo 4 us 2 realize dat we are all DESCENDANTS of 1 Afrika? At this point I don't even know but believe me, it will get aLOT more worse b4 it gets better. U may ask why dat is but look at da handwriting on da wall. It seems like aid 2 Haiti got there b4 it did on da Gulf Coast of AmeriKKKa. WTF? $100Million overfuckingnite! U must connect the dots tho. As da media always reports, Haiti is da poorest country in da Western Hemisphere. It also occupies(like Ghana) a very strategic geo-political purpose as it is in da backyard of Miami. Remember, da island is 1(Hispanolia) & shares a border wit da Dominican Republic. They ain't feel shit in the DR. These places are near Cuba & Guantanomo Bay is in dat same country. They even housing Amerikkkan citizens there in the meantime. I have been tellin peepo 4 a long time about HAARP & weather manipulation 4 some time now. We must also remember dat Climategate has blown up in da faces of da leading world governments & they MUST implement this new world order NOW!!!! Every exposure makes these manmade disasters neccessary. They can't wait anymore as THEY know THEY time is up. The various wars in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan are not going as planned & they have 2 constantly distarct U with never ending footage 2 keep U in dat constantly DISTRACTED STATE. I know dat this quake was done purposely. Yeah I know U may say, what does dat have 2 do with helpin da helpless Haitians as they go thru it? This provides da US with a way 2 finally take over da land while simultaneously lookin good 2 da world community. The US has already (supposedly) provided all dat money 2 again DISTRACT U from all of the various failures they are partaking in as well as the dire economic situation dat will worsen as the days go. The US will always PUNISH Haiti 4 bein the 1st republic 2 be freed by slaves. Little do most peepo know how scared Kkkrakers was after they kicked the French the hell out. Pat Robertson & Rush Limabaugh can both suck sick penis juice & any Blak person stupid enough 2 be Kkkristian & label Haitians as Voodooans & nothin else can go right along wit 'em. Where does voodoo come from? Where do Haitians come from? Use the powers we have & let's get free! They are us & we are them. Let 2day be the day that we know that we are all Afrikans. I would want 2 help any Blak Peepo suffering anywhere, anyway, anyhow. Why? U aint hear me, I already said it, WE ARE ALL AFRIKANS. If Afrikans are all corrupt, help 'em in an emergency, anyway. Ayo, we are all Afrikans. Enuff said & PEACE!!!
Just A Hint
I was popping in and popping out of blogosphere.....
---opening my second bank in can, it's not much as the first though---
---busy schedules---
Can you guess why??? ^_^
Can you guess why??? ^_^
Happy 2nd Birthday, Yenggay!!
A beautiful daughter of Niko and Yobib is celebrating her birthday today! Happy 2nd Birthday to Yena!! Wishing you more blessings and great birthdays to come in your life!! As you celebrate your birthday, may all your wishes come true!!
Have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YENA!! ^_^
Please drop your birthday wishes to this lovely links:
Food Trip Friday---31 cm Bibimbap!!
One of my favorite food served at a yakiniku restaurant is a bibimbap--I can' t resist a serve of it after grilling some of the yakiniku meats. I have posted bibimbab before here but the the difference is the size-- 31 cms!!Good for 4-5 sevings-- we already have a full stomach that we have to pack it home (sayang naman lol!) Bibimbap is a mixed up rice, a very healthy and served in a heated stone bowls. I liked the crispy rice that forms at the bottom and sides and was absolutely delicious!!
A Food Trip entry for
For Food trippers join us here. Chibugan na!!! \(^0^)/
Mommy Moments--New Born Days
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Dear Wakaba and Haruka,
It seems like not that long ago that I was pregnant with you when I think of how much joy you have brought into my life. I don' t know how I ever did without you.
Being pregnant was such a beautiful time in my life. I will never forget the first time I felt you kick, and the look on your Daddy's face when the doctor saw you on the ultra sound for the first time!
You are the biggest blessings in our lives and we are so lucky to have both of you.
I love you so much!
With love,
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Couple's Corner--He Made Me Really Angry!!
No matter how much I love my husband Yochan, there is some time that is really annoying that drives me crazy and really hate him for doing such a thing!
There was one time at a shopping mall and Yochan was looking for a down jacket and asked my opinion of the color to choose from--black, blue or orange. I knew my husband loves bright colors but I wanted him to have the black for a change and he's asking for my opinion anyway and I guess he needs it for a new look. He was crossing his brows when I chose the black one and insisted the bright colored jacket. The black down jacket looks good on him and in fact t'was cool when he did some fitting but still refused--I guess we've been there for an hour! He was ready to pay at the counter then all of the sudden he went back and returned the black one and replaced by an orange down jacket! I was kind a " Yeah right! Nagtanong ka pa, di mo rin lang pala ako susundin! " Why did he asked for my advice for the very first place but wouldn't dare to listen??!!GGrrrr!!

For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme
There was one time at a shopping mall and Yochan was looking for a down jacket and asked my opinion of the color to choose from--black, blue or orange. I knew my husband loves bright colors but I wanted him to have the black for a change and he's asking for my opinion anyway and I guess he needs it for a new look. He was crossing his brows when I chose the black one and insisted the bright colored jacket. The black down jacket looks good on him and in fact t'was cool when he did some fitting but still refused--I guess we've been there for an hour! He was ready to pay at the counter then all of the sudden he went back and returned the black one and replaced by an orange down jacket! I was kind a " Yeah right! Nagtanong ka pa, di mo rin lang pala ako susundin! " Why did he asked for my advice for the very first place but wouldn't dare to listen??!!GGrrrr!!
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme
Otoshidama and New Year Holidays
During the January 1st, Japanese children receives cash envelopes from parents, grandparents and relatives and of course, the Sasaki clan is one big family!! Wakaba and Haruka had lots of otoshidama from them and to my surprise, I received from my MIL and Obachan (great grand mother)too!!\(^0^)/ We will keep the half of their money at the bank and it's up to them on how they will spend the half of it. Wakaba and Haruka bought some fukubukuro for shopping as planned before the new year and they wanted to save the other half of it. Good girls!!(mine is paubos na lol!!) never thought that on a very young age, they have learned to be thrifty like their Mom ( who?me?lol!)We celebrated our New Year holidays the busiest and yet a very happy one!!^_^
Have a nice day to everybody!!^_^
Yea, I'm BLAK in NY! As da plane descended on JFK, it was snowin & I thought 2 myself, what a way 2 be greeted BLAK in my place of birth, also da birthplace of HipHop. Imagine bein in da tropics 4 over a year & overnite bein in da snow? Da snow actually welcomed me blak & 4 once, I actually din't mind seein it. It's da cold dat I can't stand but it wasn't dat cold or at least not 2 me. Yeah da flight went from Accra 2 Dubai 2 NYC. Watta flight it was. Sittin in business class next 2 a beautiful woman while other beautiful women brought drinks & food. If U goin somewhere where Emirates Airlines flies, I recommend 'em over any airline out there bar none! Amerikkka, wat a site 2 behold! It's still here but da spirit I left it in seems 2 somehow be gone like someone stole da soul. Like peepo kno dat da 2nd shoe hasn't dropped yet. Like waitin 4 a spouse U will never see again. Like bein dat crab dat gets pulled BLAK into da barrel. Who knows, maybe this barrel is da 1 dat gets tossed BLAK into da ocean. What is fear anyway? A worry not yet realized is what it is. Fear is also a 2nd hand emotion. Be brave & face dat dragon & slay 'em where they step. Breathe fire on 'em!!! We doin 010 in a most positive way & my new sayin 4 this still new year is get it in in 010.Yeah, I'll be BLAK2AFRIKA again soon & witta bigger brighter wiser attitude & spirit. I learned alot & am greatful 4 those experiences dat I could never ever give BLAK. Oh, tings de happen O! I saw fire & I saw rain. I heard voices & I felt pain. I felt full & I felt drained. Yeah, Afrika got it goin on & it will get worse b4 it gets better but dat's ok. It will get better. As they say at the laundromat, it will all come out in da rinse. Blood Sweat & Tears, 1 must cleanse da negative & do 4 self, 4 da collective. Peepo were waitin 4 me 2 lose it there but like Ne-Yo & Fabo, U make me better. Thats rite, I'm BLAK2AMERIKKKA! Should I rename this blog dat? Hell naw, I left my heart in..........AFRIKA, home of da brave. Watitdo USA? I'm all yours again! HOLLA YA ASS BLAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Volkswagen Concept Pictures
Volkswagen revealed the GTI W12 concept ?? an high-performance concept version of its GTI hatchback. Featuring a 12-cylinder, 6.0 liter engine, the Volkswagen GTI W12 can hit 60 mph in just 3.7 seconds.
Delivering 650 hp and 553 pound feet of torque, this GTI concept uses the same powerplant found in the Bentley Continental, Audi A8, Volkswagen Phaeton, and Touareg. The engine is based on two narrow-angle VR6 engines joined at the crank. Volkswagen tried to compete with luxury automakers when it debuted the ill-received Phaeton a few years ago. This year, the company is at it again with the Passat CC. Volkswagen is calling the four-door a coupe, and it has a sloping roofline much like.
Delivering 650 hp and 553 pound feet of torque, this GTI concept uses the same powerplant found in the Bentley Continental, Audi A8, Volkswagen Phaeton, and Touareg. The engine is based on two narrow-angle VR6 engines joined at the crank. Volkswagen tried to compete with luxury automakers when it debuted the ill-received Phaeton a few years ago. This year, the company is at it again with the Passat CC. Volkswagen is calling the four-door a coupe, and it has a sloping roofline much like.
Mommy Moments--New Year' s List
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