Our New Year's list is gonna be all about Wakaba and Haruka chan. We are preparing Wakaba chan for this school year because she will be a gradeschooler soon! My two girls are growing up really fast! We just bought her a new
Randoseru backpack ( they cost too much coz they' re made of genuine leather, so durable and tough ) for her to use during her elementary years. There are many types and colors of the randoseru and we didn't get her the traditional red for the girls but a rose-pink color one.We bought them ahead of time otherwise the colors will be out of run. Wakaba is excited to be a gradeschooler but sad to graduate in kindergarten--she said she will miss her classmates in Kinder although 3 of her classmates will be on the same school this year.

The next thing on the list is Wakaba's desk for studying--since we lived in an apartment and we don't have much space, we need at least a compact one coz Haruka will be needing another one in the future and that means another space to move. We got her the desk with more comfort, a bookshelf, with light for studying, and a utility and file drawers. Her desk will be shipped to us on Febuary after arranging their toy racks and will set aside some other toys that are not in used so that we can have space for it.
--Wakaba, a soon- to- be- first grader!!---
Haruka chan will be on kinder this school year and is pretty excited of wearing her big sisters uniform in kindergarten! I'll be left soon in the house alone and I'm kind-a-sad...chotto tsumaranai kamo...(T_T)

And for us, we will be celebrating our 8th Wedding Anniversary this month and I hope 2010 for us will be a great one! ^_^
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