Haruka enters Kindergarten!! These are the photos of Haruka taken during her Welcome Ceremony at Kindergarten last April 11. We've been very lucky coz just like her big sister Wakaba's Welcome Ceremony at kindergarten two years ago of the same school, the beautiful sakura or cherry blossoms were at full bloom!! The sakura at their school bloomed ahead unlike during when Wakaba had her Entrance Ceremony at Elementary School . We enjoyed taking photos of them and the sakura drops before the ceremony starts. The solemn ceremony was done inside the church and started with the school Principal/Director( sad to say that it'll be his last term this year )speech, Teacher introductions and some songs from students of the school. We also had group pictures of the class and quick tour of the classroom. The ceremony ended earlier coz there's only a few new kindergarteners this school year. We went to the photo studio for a family pictorial coz this year is a double celebration---Wakaba entered at elementary school and now Haruka entered at kindergarten! They're officially big girls already but not too old to still want to hold my hands!!^_^
---Big sister Wakaba and Haruka---
---A quickie tour at the classroom---
---Solemn ceremony inside the church---
---Waiting for our turn for the group pictorial---
---Wakaba singing with her Daddy sitting beside her---
---Beautiful sakura---
---Wakaba and classmate picking up sakura flowers---
---Cherry Bloosoms---
---Wakaba and Leano chan---
---Leano chan's sister is Haruka's classmate---
---Sakura view---
---Wakaba is enjoying her elementary days life!---
---Our family pictorial at school---
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