---母の日 ちけっと, Happy Mother's Day ticket---"Mama, what do you like to have as a present on Mother's Day?" My daughter Wakaba asked me one day and I answered " A one day ticket to have a date with your Dad! "
( Mama to Daddy dake no rabu-rabu date ) and grin but she gave me a firm
" Dame! " (no answer--which is expected coz she sees me as her rival to her Dad lol!) then she asked her Dad on what he like to receive on Father's Day. Her Dad replied
"a sports tire!" (wearing a big grin)
"Daddy, sore wa jibun de katte yo ne!" ( buy them with your own pocket!) then we had a big laugh about it!
*** Here comes Mother's Day***My dear Wakaba gave me her gift on Mother's Day that surprised me. I thought it would be her project at school for Mom's Day but it wasn't---
A one day ticket to have a date with his Dad!!Finally lol!\(^0^)/ She told me that she will look after Haruka and play outside together with some of her friends so we could go out for a date. Then off we go for a walk around the city ( just near at our apartment )and went for a coffee break at Doutor ( coffee shop in Japan) and felt exactly like the first time when we had our first date, enjoying ourselves! We went back at home after 2 and a half hours then Wakaba and Haruka gave me a
lawn grass(?)I dunno what it's called but it looks like a grass/weeds for me that they collected somewhere, you know kids lol!)and shouted 母の日おめでとう!!( Happy Mother's Day!)and gave some drawings of me. I almost melt coz all they wanted is to make me happy and be pleased-- I put the oh well, the grass with a lil bit of flowers (lol) on a vase and displayed in the kitchen and started cooking for dinner--I was almost through when I started to feel something strange into my system... non-stop sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes. My allergy is reacting so bad and it's coming from what they gave me!(T_T) I have no choice but to throw them away the next day, explaining to them why I have to and they understand. Buti na lang buhay pa ako lol! But what the heck, my kids are the sweetest, I enjoyed my day and at least I can shout to the world that
" Nasolo ko na rin ang asawa ko sa wakas!! "\(^0^)/
---A date with my husband minus the kids at Doutor---
---Wakaba's drawing of me, done at home---
---Haruka's drawing of me, project at school---
---My kids work of art is always displayed in our room---Share your Mommy Moments and stories-- join us here

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