Nostalgia-- Wakaba

The time flies so quickly--time with Wakaba when she's little is so precious. We remember the firsts-- first steps, first word, etc. Each moment is a picture and memory is stored forever in our hearts. I didn't know being a mom would feel like this, it took me by surprise^_^

Wakaba chan, you're the best thing that ever happened to me
You're Daddy's lil girl!
Your Mom is really fond of you
You love to play all day long
At 5 months, you started teething and this month I also started you on solid food

At 7th months, you're strong enough to sit on your own. You sat up this month
You started crawling at 9 months and just a few days after you started crawling, you pulled yourself on the table Look who's one!! You've grown so much and I will always look back on this first year with fondness and I look forward to every year that is to come!

Isn't it so much fun to go back and just yank them all out and just sit there and reminisce? ^_^

*Nostalgia is a weekly Thursday meme hosted by Ate Rose--please play with us by clicking the linky badge.* Photobucket

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