Ayo, I might start writin y'all peepo erryday! It's the BlakSmith checkin in askin what it do to you & ya crew? As things develop, I get more SIRIUS & I'm havin alotta peepo askin me about this 2012 shit. They askin me stuff like what's gonna happen? What date should we be lookin at? Where should we be? Who will benefit? What of Planet X? Is the Mother Ship gonna get here & alla that stuff. Well I tell folks, to be honest I don't know & bein that I thought that Y2K was gonna cause MAJOR PROBLEMS & I was WRONG, I don't make such predictions anymore. What I do KNOW is that everyone knows that the planets will be in an alignment that is ADVANTAGEOUS for US but that doesn't mean that WE can relax just yet. In this case here, I hope that I am NOT speakin to the choir bcuz MOST of y'all know that somethin BIG is comin whether you believe in this or not. I call it waitin for the other shoe to drop. However, what I will do in this article is tell y'all WHY I THINK that 2012 is not just rumors but a new day.
Tryin to infect & inject my nation with needless vaccinations
Even Bill Gates is part of gettin rid of populations
TSA now stands for Tits & Ass and in that class
Teachin US how they get that cash
BACK! Started a big disease with a lil name
Known dudes like Rock Hudson died to give it claim & fame
Liberace was white & Len Bias BLACK
Both died when they gotta hold of some BAD CRACK
Global 2000 like seasons like snake bites do lesions
They said the EARTH was a warmin still my butt be freezin
No job I rob those with jobs - my job
Y'all SPOILED the child when ya spared the ROD
No family values Big Batty Gal you
Nicki menage a trois with Lil Kim all up on tattos
I gat you y'all stand stiff like statues
The on deck gatter with a bat to bat you
Ya see it's all Immoral Beef make you extinct like coral reefs
Platinum like a rapper rhymin from his oral TEETH
Nonsense no conscience the content no context
Y'all be diggin these angles & make me the convex
The timin they usin ya thinskinned ya bruisin
Ya homo ya cruisin I'm straight & I'm not losin
Ayo isn't it evident or do you need evidence?
He wasn't on his p's & so they made him a resident
Let's eat on this reuben but make sure it's vegan
765 days so let the games BEGIN!
Look at europe right about now. Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, England & Ireland have marches, demonstrations & all kinda shit happenin there all the time that turn into full scale riots with the PARAMILITARY MOTHERFUKKKERS bein backed down by young men with sticks & rocks! They gonna do it to THEMSELVES & when THAT comes to the US, get the FUKKK out the way & let these armed militias do they frends & cousins in. This country is a TICKIN TIME BOMB & when that detonator hits......AY CARAMBA!!!Do y'all remember Seatlle a few years back? The more you pent up the more you RELEASE!! These verses above was just a lil ditty for y'all loyal to us here at black2afrika. I really don't know what will happen BUT I can't feel nothin but joy as I know it will be ok but as I have said in previous posts, one MUST learn to EMBRACE DEATH to know what REAL LIFE is. Life is really ALL we got but it don't belong to you; it belongs to NATURE! There are NO COINCIDENCES & everything happenin now was set in motions decades ago. Any INSIDER from long ago could have written Hip Hop & HollyWEIRD has gone WILD! in their time as these stories are the same & all that changes are the names, faces, dates & places. As of yesterday, a so called jewish HollyWEIRD publicist, ronni chasen who was a baller, was shot & killed. Could she know somethin about those STAR WHACKERS spoken of in HollyWEIRD has gone WILD? Maybe she had vital info. Who knows?.....there will be cowards who live & brave ones who will perish. Which one are you?
Ok, what I've heard is the earth will stop spinnin. I've heard also that the poles will shift 15 degrees. I've heard that SOME of US will ascend from this present 3 dimensiaonal world into a 9th dimensional beings. I've heard that there are BEINGS livin INSIDE the earth who only speak to a Blak Woman as they hate whites for what they have done to the planet. I've heard that the earth will cleanse herself. I've heard that you can save 15% on car insurance by switchin to geico....I've heard that the earth is now surrounded by aliens & that nukes have been rendered moot as these aliens will not allow the ultimate destruction that these whites wish to bestow on our Mother Earth as they know that WE are the GODS spoken of for so long who have fallen from grace through THEY machinations. I've heard that jehova(god) was an albino back office clerk from the orion belt who tricked us into worshippin some non-existent god to create FEAR so as to seek SALVATION after death instead of in the right here & now. I've heard that this trick was written & thus became the holy books of yesterday & today. I've heard that most of us is still fallin for that shit today & from what I've heard, that shit will soon end. I've heard that the queen of england is the queen of all reptilian shape shifters & that this war between US & them was started on another planet millions of years ago. I KNOW that I got most of this info from Morse Donaldson & you can find him at Mo Sirius Films on youtube. What else have I heard........? I heard y'all luv my shit!
So there it is y'all! The Final Countdown is upon us but Nas told y'all this on What Goes Around. He also said it on Heaven & you just have to decide that you gonna hold on bcuz it's really up to you. KRS told you to stay alive all things will change around on Ah Yeah. Some think & some KNOW. I know that HEAVEN is a half mile away & we got 765 days to get there as of this date 11/17/2010. I hope that y'all get there with me Peepos! PEACE!!!