Couple's Corner--Meet My Father-In-Law

Well, if you have memorized ( lol ) my life here in Japan, you might have read here atKizuna about my Father-In-Law who was against a Filipina to be a wife to his son and that's me^_^ After the acceptance, we had our wedding reception here in Japan to formally introduce me to the whole clan and relatives both their sides and when he had his speech, he said that when Yochan ( my husband) decided to get married to a Filipina, he was not against us blah, blah, blah but he didn't know that everybody knows that he was against me and the mouth fightings between him and Yochan lol! And my husband whispered 'liar' sitting beside me lol!
My FIL, ( I call him otousan which means Father) is an old fashioned Japanese and we respect him as the head at home. He's very strict in some way but so loving. He may not express too much in words but in gestures ( like his son lol). I love him like my real father! There was a time that he went for a visit at the apartment during our first year of marriage ( before living in with them) and he brought a watermelon with him as an omiyage (pasalubong) which was really big enough to be eaten for two. My goodness, dadalawa lang kami lol! I can'tremember kung ilang araw namin naubos yun lol! He changed a lot the time we lived with them most especially when I gave birth to his first apo, Wakaba chan.
When we have some drinking sessions at thebukid of tralala, we love to talk/ joke about the 'against thingy' and would tease him like crazy. He would just say ' sonna kotto oboetanai neeh!'
I can't recall I said something like that!' LOL!!!
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun memeRodliz’s Nest

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