Nostalgia--Japanese Kanzashi

I received a Kanzashi as a gift from my MIL to match my kimono wear during Haruka's Shichi Go San. Kanzashi's are hair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles and is used to accessorize kimono or yukata. I can't believe that my MIL remembered that I've been looking over the web for a not-so-pricey kanzashi to match with my kimono ( borrowed from her )although the hairdresser promised to let me borrow her own kanzashi used at their salon but was surprised when my MIL gave me the gift a week ahead of time and glady used 'em during the most important milestones of Haruka. I love my kanzashi geisha style hairstick!

Isn't it so much fun to go back and just yank them all out and just sit there and reminisce? ^_^

*Nostalgia is a weekly Thursday meme hosted by Ate Rose--please play with us by clicking the linky badge.* Photobucket

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